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WNA presentation Learn more about the project, issues, concerns and more with this handy presentation PDF.
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My address is 2316 River Hills Road, Austin, TX 78733. I’ve been out here since 1959 off and on as a weekend/summer place and permanetly since 1992 and own the place now. I can’t believe the project is going forward with all the variations necessary and all it has against it. You could put a sign just to the left of my black mail box if you would like to. I’m on the last 90 degree turn on RHR. Put me on your online petition. Let me know who I’m dealing with….Thank you.
I rent a home at the end of River Hills Drive and I can tell you that if this sports complex goes in, despite loving our place and having lived there almost 2 years now, we will leave and our landlord will get the task of finding someone new who wants to deal with the traffic, light and noise pollution. I chose that neighborhood because it is a peaceful place where I can be surrounded by nature. The sports complex will destroy that which was once appealing to me. The nicest part of my daily commute is driving back and forth on River Hills Road and clearly that won’t be the case if this goes through.
My husband and I own a home and property on Riverhills Rd. We are very upset by the possibility of a sports facility on Riverlills Rd. I am not opposed a sports facility of some sort somewhere, but not at this location. There is nothing beneficial regarding this site. All the studies that I have read regarding the site say there are problems with runoff, water usage, water useage concerns, endangered species concerns, traffic in and out the facility, widing the road( where will the money come for that?) access for emergency vehicles to the facility and to the surrounding community, wear and tear on a 2 lane winding road, and on and on. The only positives for this facility that I have read are ” I won’t have to drive my kid so far” and the rent to Eanes is low. Even if I did not live on Riverhills Rd I could not support this facility. This is shortsighted and borders on “it’s all about me”. This facility is not a hospital or a school, it”s a sports facility, we are not in dire need of a sports facility. This is Austin, I think we can do better than this and look to the future and not just “I want it because I want it”. There are consequences to all decisions, and the decision to build a sports may be great for the parents and the kids now, but at what cost and at what impact to a lot of other factors seen and unseen.
At the mention of another stop light on Bee Cave Rd. The matter is out the window. No effing way!
My husband and I have lived out in this area for 22 years. We are completely opposed to the deveopment
of a sports facility. This will wreck havoc on this beautiful and unique area. All the Eanes schools are close together and all have sports fields and gyms. Why the need for a sports facility out here?
Why not develop the old Ben Hur bldg? We will do whatever we can to help stop this senseless development.
Having owned a home off Cuernavaca since 1993 and watched the light pollution, traffic and noise issues exponentially explode as this neighborhood gets more and more popular, I’m extremely opposed to this sports complex in our quiet, lovely residential area. What are they thinking? I’m sick of sports anyway. It’s become an addictive and dangerous pursuit for our citizens. Who wants their kid to have brain damage, torn ligaments, broken bones and prison lighting in our front yard?
As a homeowner in the Lake Ridge area, I initially wanted to sign up in support of your efforts, but I can’t after reading your plan to support a land swap with Dell, bringing yet another high impact facility to Bee Cave and Cuernavaca. Bee Cave and Cuernavaca has a large church, a public library and 2 large office complexes already….and you are proposing the addition of a 50 acre lighted sports complex to the mix? You are simply moving the problem to your sister neighborhood. Fellow Lake Ridge residents, please take note.